Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Cleanse.

I know I said I would post the next day, but I didn't. I was too busy and I didn't get anywhere on my closet so oh well. :P

This week I started a cleanse that lasts for 21 days.
The Rules: You can only eat fruits, vegetables, brown and wild rice, and sweet potatoes. You're allowed to cook them any way you want and use any spices you want, but only a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Then on the 11th day you add in chicken and fish.
The Goal: To live a healthier life and lose a couple pounds. ;)

Day 1 wasn't that hard. I had a headache most of the day though because I'm just not used to not eating carbs and getting sugar, but it was kind of exciting. Like yay! A new challenge! My family did have spaghetti, one of my favorite foods, and I desperately wanted some, but I resisted.
Day 2 was a little more difficult. I didn't feel well most of the day due to the headache and I was always hungry and a little tired. Plus I was gone a lot and was driving past restaurants. Everything I saw looked good. My class went to eat at Chick Fil A after a field trip and the chicken smelled soooooooo good. Luckily my best friend is doing the cleanse with me and is in that same class, so we were able to help each other stay strong. My family had BLT's, the good kind with incredible thick, peppered bacon and avocados, but thank goodness I wasn't around for that temptation as my other best friend and I went to see Memphis, last year's Best Musical. (It was pretty good by the way!)
Day 3 so far has been wayyy easier. I don't have a headache (well it's barely there anyways) and I'm not near as hungry as I have been. Plus, I've figured out a couple recipes that are fairly simple to make with the ingredients I'm allowed that I really like. Kale chips, brown rice with sauteed onions and mushrooms and balsamic vinegar, and sweet potato fries. I really love sweet potato fries.

Today also consisted of going to a dentist consultation about getting my wisdom teeth out. Eww. But, they have to come out or my teeth will get crooked. And on the bright side, I only have three so there'll be 1/4 less pain. :)

At the moment I'm trying to be more like the younger Lorelai, Ms Rory Gilmore, and study hard and get done with school. 6 days! 6 days and I'll be done with high school. :) I slightly wish I went to a large scary private school with lots of wooden things so I could attempt to carve my initials in one of them but then decide against it because everything is historical.